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最后更新: 2017-11-28 10:09

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收藏本公司 人气:161
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品牌: 迈贝丽特 保养方法: 清水
尺寸: 300*450、300*600 表面效果: 亮光
特殊功能: 防霉、防静电、吸声、隔热、防水、防潮、防火、防滑 适用场所: 走廊、阳台、卫浴场所、厨房、商场、客厅、餐厅、学校
风格: 现代 材质: 陶瓷
颜色: 白色、红色、棕色、灰色、黄色、蓝色、黑色 等级: 特等
图案: 上百种图案供客户选择 产品类别: 釉面砖
断裂模数: 20.9MPa 抗压强度: 1112N
抗热震性: 均无炸裂或裂纹 吸水率: 13.6%
密度: 标准: GB/T4100-2006
耐污染性: 合格 耐腐蚀性: 优质
型号: 4001 规格: 300*450
商标: 迈贝丽特 包装: 纸箱
产量: 100000000


联 系 人:袁先生
公司拥有德国、意大利国际先进水平的陶瓷生产设备和国产先进抛光线,生产工艺先进,技术力量雄厚,检测手段完备,科研设施齐全。严格按国家标准和GB/T19001 质量认证标准组织生产,产品先后荣获山东省建陶行业十强品牌、中国建材装饰精品、中国公认名牌产品、国家权威检测达标产品、中国绿色环保产品等荣誉称号,并通过国家强制性认证----CCC认证。
Founded in January1,2006,In September 2011, successfully listed in nasdaq,zhucheng Ziyang Ceramics Cooperation Ltd takes charge of all kinds of the ceramics research, production and sales.It is located in the West Lubiao Industial zone of Longdu Street of zhucheng. Our company is in a favorable location and has an easy access to transportation facilities, because it is surrounded by the beautiful seaside city, Qingdao on the east, the natural port Rizhao to the south and the kite city ,Weifang ,on the north. the company covers an area of 170,000 square km, among which 90,000 square km is construction areas. So it is one of the most advanced companies in making full use of the resources in Shangdong province. Our  major products includes the top grade polishing pattern bricks, the super clean shine bricks and interior wall bricks of high quality, etc..
  Our company possesses the advanced equipment and polishing manufacture lines of international level introduced from Germany and Italy. We have advanced  manufacture techniques ,powerful skills, wonderful checking methods as well as enough researching facilities. Our production is carried out according to the national standard and GB/T19001quality system certification.



